Before going on this study abroad trip, I had little knowledge of Grenada. However, it is now a country that I will never be able to forget. My trip impacted me in so many different ways, and I will be forever grateful for the opportunity I had to go and to be a part of it. In studying abroad, I was able to see the world differently, and have a new perspective of the bigger picture that I am a part of. I am excited that I was able to grow in my knowledge of another culture by personally experiencing it.
I am proud of how we were able to come alongside the
community and invest, and I feel that the entire trip was a
confirmation of why I want to be involved in the profession of
nursing. On our first full day in Grenada, we participated in a health fair with nursing students from Grenada and nursing students from Boston. It was such a cool moment to step back and see people from different places uniting over wanting to provide the very best care for patients. I have always had a huge interest in community health, and I really loved the vast opportunities we had to be involved with
After studying abroad in Grenada, I feel more confident in my ability to experience new things and interact with new people. There was a sense of accomplishment in the progress that I made, even within my short time there. I was able to educate patients better by the end of the trip, and even improved in my psychomotor skills of taking blood pressure, measuring blood glucose, and preforming breast exams. Because of the opportunity to view and experience health care in another country, I was able to reinforce what I have been learning in
the community of Grenada. Between our participation in health fairs, symposiums, television and radio announcements, and home visits my passion for community health was strengthened. I was also very inspired by Ms. Hopkin (pictured left), a woman in Grenada who has given so much of her life to caring for people in her community. It was very humbling to learn from her, and I can only hope to one day have made a fraction of the impact that she has made in her country.
nursing school. There is such a difference between reading something in a book and actually putting in into practice. In the case of this trip, not only was I able to put patient care into continual practice, but I was also able to experience patient diversity in a new way. There is no amount of textbook learning that can truly make you empathize and individualize diverse patient care, and I am grateful to have been able to put this into practice. This trip has already made an impact on the career that I will one day have, and I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to go to Grenada.